
Creationism as pseudo-history

Over the course of the past few years, we have noticed that creationism has been pushed as pseudo-science, but few people consider it's danger as pseudo-history.

You see history of any kind defines a people, gives them an origin. It is the study of the past, focused on human activity and leading up to the present day. More precisely, history is the continuous, systematic narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race.

For people like the creationist, people who have history and more importantly links to a past in which Christianity wasn't in charge, is rather inconvenient, as it raises many questions about the past and the true origins of man.

According to scientists, our humble beginnings as homo sapien, started around 200,000 BP in the Paleolithic era. According to the creationist who believes that the earth is only 6,000 years old, it's claim denies the history of thousands of cultures that came and went, for example, England's beaker people, or even the migrations of the First People from Asia to the new world.

It denies the Greeks and Roman empire, the Aztec, the Incas, the Indu culture and Chinese cultures. It denies many people their history and what shaped them as a race, a creed right down to the individual.

Culture Jamming

Alot of people ask me why I take WOTM's videos and corrupt them or change the meaning of them.

And then there were five...

I would like to take the opportunity to announce my joining of For those who are youtubers, I am "that guy with the masks and the creepy voice" (at the very least, if your name is Todd Friel).

For many months, I have been opposing WOTM and been quite verbal on how they are merely con-artists who sell their pseudo-science as fact.

I am glad that I found some like minded people to exchange ideas on how to counter Ray Comfort's cash cow, which is really only but diminishing the collective human IQ by several notches.

And so, I will contribute to this project to the best of my ability, and have a blast monkey-wrenching their attempt at controlling the populace.

The truth isn't pretty, and I contribute to showing the ugly.


Homer Gots Nothin'

The guys at Way of the Master love false analogies. In fact, they use them so often and with such voracity that it is incredibly easy to peg WOTM Radio listeners simply by the way they talk. I have had the opportunity to stumble across many such individuals in recent weeks.

Today, I'm going to give you a sneak peak at the flawed logic in one of Todd's awful analogies by letting you eavesdrop on a conversation I had recently in a Christian Hip-Hop chat room. See if you can spot it. (The names of the Christian theist and the chat room have been changed to protect their anonymity.)

Christian Hip-Hop Radio Community -- Sept. 26

Real: Do you believe Homer wrote the Odessey[sic]?

Sunday Special #2: Kids Say the Darndest Things (and you'd better believe them!)

Just some days ago someone called into “beep-talk” (WotM voicemail, basically), and said that his 4-year old never asks “How did this evolve?” but “Who made this?” when observing the world. Actually small children in general seldom use the word “evolve” or anything related to said word, so they seem to consciously steer clear of such nonsense subjects! This has absolutely nothing to do with parenting or cultural settings, so don't bring them up.

THIS JUST IN actually babies don't use any recognizable words before they learn them from other people. Apparently they are so smart before being subjected to others that they refuse to speak any human language altogether! Todd Friel is one of the rare adults who have managed to foster this godly trait so that it remains a part of his diction! That is the true path to wisdom! We are once again allowed to sip with glee from the overflowing cup of godly erudition that is his large cranium, as he argues for the existence of an intelligent designer:

Todd Proves the Intelligent Designer!

Thusly the Master of the Way of the Wapapapupipapapa spake unto thee! Now get out there and make some babies before you check back next week for more words of wisdom!

Brace Yourself, Europe!

Dear European Union Citizen,

Way of the Master: Operating Thetans?

It always struck me how easily the boys over at Way of the Master ridicule other religious faiths. In most cases I won’t really argue with them. Other religions and their corresponding stories are quite silly…but so is Christianity.

Why did Christ die?

I recently had the opportunity to interact with the author of an evangelical Christian blog through comments on one of his blog posts. The title of the entry is entitled "Christ Died For Sinners" which immediately caught my attention.
After reading the short entry and the enclosed quote, I submitted a question in comment form. To my astonishment, I got a reply. Not only do these bloggers seem to be amped up for evangelism but interested in apologetics as well. I welcome their arguments.

Former Follier Says: September 24th, 2007 at 3:30 pm
Christ died in order to save a fallen creation by taking the sins of an infinitely wicked world against an infinitely holy god upon himself, does that about sum it up?

One question: If our sins are so abhorrent to god as to allow his “son” to be the propitiation for our sin, then what is Jesus doing sitting at the right hand of god right now? If the sins of mankind are punishable by eternal damnation, shouldn’t the sacrifice bear the burden? Three days in the ground hardly seems “just”.

Good thing it’s only a fable.

Sunday Special #1: Todd Friel Explains Natural Selection

Are there questions left unanswered in your life? Don't fret, for fabtastic Mr. Funky Friel is in the house on Sundays to address any and all reader questions! To kick things off I asked him what he thought was natural selection's role in the biological world, and as a reply was sent this clarifying mp3! If you suspect this to be a jocular misrepresentation of what Todd believes or how he expresses his opinions, feel free to visit and search for episodes with the words “monkey” or “evolution” in their description! Thanks, Todd, dude! Listen now!

Todd Discusses Natural Selection!

If you have a question for Todd about something, send it to me, I'll forward it to him, honestly. I'm sure he'll be more than glad to answer more questions!

Todd Friel is a moral relativist and he doesn't even know it.

The WOTM crew is fond of speaking in terms of moral absolutes. The whole "Good Person Test" is, of course, rife with them. Occasionally, Mr. Friel will find himself witnessing to someone who disputes this claim. He has some very clever ways of tripping them up, and he usually succeeds in making the mark look foolish. But that's not the point of this post.

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