Well that was bound to happen. After all, if you are going up against WOTM, you are bound to irritate enough people who will flag your videos and try to shut you down.
The offending video? A video that questions the motives of WOTM. They are indeed trying to silence their critics. Here's the video in question.
Over the course of the past few years, we have noticed that creationism has been pushed as pseudo-science, but few people consider it's danger as pseudo-history.
You see history of any kind defines a people, gives them an origin. It is the study of the past, focused on human activity and leading up to the present day. More precisely, history is the continuous, systematic narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race.
For people like the creationist, people who have history and more importantly links to a past in which Christianity wasn't in charge, is rather inconvenient, as it raises many questions about the past and the true origins of man.
According to scientists, our humble beginnings as homo sapien, started around 200,000 BP in the Paleolithic era. According to the creationist who believes that the earth is only 6,000 years old, it's claim denies the history of thousands of cultures that came and went, for example, England's beaker people, or even the migrations of the First People from Asia to the new world.
It denies the Greeks and Roman empire, the Aztec, the Incas, the Indu culture and Chinese cultures. It denies many people their history and what shaped them as a race, a creed right down to the individual.
Alot of people ask me why I take WOTM's videos and corrupt them or change the meaning of them.
I would like to take the opportunity to announce my joining of wotmwatchdog.org. For those who are youtubers, I am "that guy with the masks and the creepy voice" (at the very least, if your name is Todd Friel).
For many months, I have been opposing WOTM and been quite verbal on how they are merely con-artists who sell their pseudo-science as fact.
I am glad that I found some like minded people to exchange ideas on how to counter Ray Comfort's cash cow, which is really only but diminishing the collective human IQ by several notches.
And so, I will contribute to this project to the best of my ability, and have a blast monkey-wrenching their attempt at controlling the populace.
The truth isn't pretty, and I contribute to showing the ugly.