
BoxerShorts resides in Minneapolis, MN, frighteningly close to Todd Friel and the headquarters of Way of the Master Radio. He is currently a graduate student at the University of Minnesota.

His journey into atheism can be traced back to his early childhood. The son of a Christian mother and an agnostic father (who remain happily married to this day), he was taken to church weekly and given a typical religious education. Meanwhile - and in a far more subtle way - he was also trained to ask questions, evaluate evidence, and draw conclusions based on reason. Upon reaching the standard battery of high school science classes, he recognized theism for the absurdity that it is. He clung to the term “agnostic” for years, but eventually, he begrudgingly accepted the label of “atheist” in his mid-20s.

His first encounter with Way of the Master came in the form of a face-to-face meeting with Todd Friel at the Minnesota State Fair in 2005. Wandering the grounds on a sunny Friday afternoon, he came across a crowd gathered around a freakishly tall gentleman with headphones and a microphone, who asked the crowd to put their fingers on their noses if they were “saved.” BoxerShorts did not place his finger on his nose, and thus was called out of the crowd and onto live radio. The freakishly tall gentleman then attempted, unsuccessfully, to convert BoxerShorts to Christianity. He’s been listening to Way of the Master Radio almost daily ever since, oddly captivated by Todd Friel’s charisma and showmanship while simultaneously being utterly appalled by just about everything Mr. Friel says.

In his free time, BoxerShorts enjoys reading, writing, going to movies, long walks on the beach, and beating the living crap out of people.


Email:  [email protected]Â