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WOTM Radio with Todd Friel broadcasts two hours daily which means there is plenty of material to cover. This is where each episode can be discussed. We'll start a new topic every day that the show broadcasts, and the rest of you can join in the discussion. Feel free to post comments, ask questions, and even suggest topics for the blog.

** Topics will be listed in chronological order in relation to broadcast dates **
10106 years 21 weeks ago
Whether friend or foe, start by introducing yourself here.
496 years 17 weeks ago
by Former Follier
This forum is for addressing the entries on our main blog page. Have a question too in-depth for the comment section? Ask it here!
In this forum, theists and non-theists alike are required to debate like civil, well-behaved human beings. Flaming, trolling, personal attacks, and insults are not permitted here.

** This forum is heavily moderated: If you break the rules, your thread will be sent to the Pound. **
This is where unmoderated debates occur. Frequent brawls break out here and sometimes small children are trampled underfoot. Don't say we didn't warn you. This forum is incredibly intense and due to its offensive nature should not be viewed by anyone. Ever. We mean it.
This is a private forum for the team, where we secretly plot to save the world from the oppressive grasp of freakishly tall comedians, washed-up child sitcom stars, and impish New Zealanders with mustaches.
Bad theological arguments. Aren't they all? This is where counterevangelism tactics can be discussed. Want to know how to deal with proselytizers and open-air preachers? Check here.
They claim that they're not pursuing a theocracy, yet they want to impose their own arbitrary religiously-based morality on all of us. Only three of the Ten Commandments are in any way relevant to modern United States law. If they try to force the other seven on us, this is the place to talk about it.
Off-Topic Discussions. Talk about movies, music, TV shows, sports, or anything else in this forum.
Where unwanted threads are sent to be euthanized.