
Oct. 28, 2007

Dear WOTMwatchdog,

I would like to respond to your blog. It seems like the blog writers prefer sensationalism over true criticism. Rather than laying out facts, in many cases there are complaints about the way things are done at WOTM and attacks on the fact that they sell materials. The truth is that WOTM is a ministry of teaching evangelism and you can learn all they have to offer though their website, radio show, and television program. Selling materials is for the person's convenience. There is nothing wrong with being wise about finances. I hope you are well.


Justin Grice

Campus Leader for CHANGE Collegian Network
www.changeWCU.blogspot.com / www.ChangeYourCampus.net




With hate mail like that, who needs friends!


Look at your tongue. Look at your knees. Read Philippians 2:10. Every includes yours.

I prayed for you.